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Is it good to have a Buddha statue at home

Author : Peter Vredeveld

Is it good to have a buddha statue at  home

In the quest for a harmonious and prosperous living environment, incorporating Buddha statues into the domestic milieu emerges as a time-honored practice, replete with symbolism and significance. The judicious placement of these sculptural embodiments not only engenders an ambiance of serenity and calm but also profoundly influences the energies pervading one's abode. This discourse delves into the nuanced realm of Buddha statues within the context of home Vastu, elucidating the manifold types of statues, their emblematic postures, strategic positioning within the living space, and alternative means to invoke the spiritual essence of Buddha.

Choose a statue as per Vastu shastra

The Symbolism of Buddha Statues

symbolisms of buddha statues

Gautam Buddha, revered as the epitome of inner peace, enlightenment, stability, and equilibrium, encapsulates profound philosophical ideals. Rooted in the annals of ancient Vedic sciences, the installation of a Buddha statue within one's domestic precincts is imbued with a holistic resonance, fostering propitious outcomes and catalyzing positive shifts in one's destiny. This cultural practice extends beyond mere ornamentation insofar as a Gautam Buddha statue within the abode is instrumental in cultivating an environment saturated with harmonious energies, thereby contributing to holistic mental well-being.

The Embodiment of Serenity: Varieties of Buddha Statues

Meditation Buddha Statue for Home Vastu

meditational buddha statue

The yearning for tranquility and calmness finds resonance in the Meditation Buddha Statue, a tangible manifestation deeply aligned with the principles of home Vastu. Beyond its ornamental allure, this statue catalyzes refining one's meditation practices. Marked by its triangular posture, crossed legs ensconced in the double lotus configuration, and clasped hands resting upon the lap, this form evokes a meditative state characterized by profound concentration. Referred to as the Amitabha Buddha or the embodiment of boundless light, the Meditation Buddha Statue encapsulates the triad of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha in an exquisite fusion of form and symbolism.

Protection Buddha Statue for Home Vastu

Protection Buddha Statue for Home Vastu

By its vocabulary, the Protection Buddha Statue assumes a custodial role within the domestic realm. Rooted in the precepts of Feng Shui, this statue acts as a sentinel against delusion and fear, heralding the fortification of the home's energetic sanctity. The visual tableau of the Protection Buddha, characterized by its raised right hand positioned at chest level, palm extended outward, and the left hand resting on the left knee with palm inclined upward, radiates a defensive aura. Whether seated or standing, this form bestows an auspicious and protective mantle upon the domicile, amplifying the harmonizing energies within.

Reclining Buddha Statue for Home Vastu

Reclining Buddha Statue for Home Vastu

The Reclining Buddha Statue, a poignant emblem of encouragement and enlightenment, captures a crucial juncture in Buddha's transformative journey. The posture, as portrayed through the image, depicts Buddha reclining on his right arm, his visage graced by a serene smile. This visual narrative commemorates the culmination of Buddha's mortal existence—an iconic portrayal of his transcendence into nirvana and liberation from the cyclic constraints of Samsara. A veritable fount of tranquility and sagacity, the Reclining Buddha Statue permeates the living space with the ethos of Buddha's teachings, serving as a conduit to inner serenity and self-realization.

Strategic Positioning: Harnessing Buddha's Aura

Entrance Harmony: Placing Buddha at the Main Door

As the principal portal through which potent energies ingress the domicile, the primary entrance is the quintessential vantage point for a Buddha statue. The positioning of the Buddha vis-à-vis the door augments its efficacy in channeling positive energies while simultaneously repelling negative forces, creating a haven of auspiciousness and protection.

Drawing Room Delight: Embracing the Reclining Buddha

For those aspiring to cultivate harmonious relationships and domestic tranquility, the Reclining Buddha is an apt centerpiece in the drawing room. Its presence, both symbolically and aesthetically, ushers in an ambiance of serenity, bolstering the resonance of equilibrium within interpersonal dynamics.

Garden of Focus: The Meditation Buddha's Abode

To nurture concentration and enhance cognitive understanding, the strategic emplacement of a Meditation Buddha statue within the garden or the northeast corner of the domicile is recommended. This positioning fosters an atmosphere conducive to heightened focus, catalyzing personal growth and prosperity.

Mitigating Crisis: The Earth-Touching Buddha

Confronted with adversity, the Earth-Touching Buddha—also known as the Bhumisparsha Buddha—embodies an apt symbol for resolution. Positioned in the east quadrant or, if constrained, at the home's central juncture, this form beckons transformation and resurgence, surmounting challenges with enlightened grace.

Healing Radiance: The Medicine Buddha's Abode

For those yearning to foster well-being and vitality, the Medicine Buddha statue finds its sanctum within the north quadrant or the northeastern corner. Sunlit and well-ventilated spaces serve as the ideal backdrop for this form, with its manifestation characterized by the presence of a healing bowl, a repository of curative herbs.

Bring positivity with Buddha statues

Wisdom Alcove: The Teaching Buddha's Domain

Dedicated to pursuing knowledge and sagacity, the Teaching Buddha finds its niche within the study or library. The iconic depiction of Buddha forming two circles with index finger and thumb—symbolizing the Wheel of Dharma—evokes a perennial flow of wisdom, an alignment conducive to academic success and professional prowess.

Adhering to Vastu: Practices to Avoid

Appropriate Foundation: Placing the Buddha on a Pedestal

Before ensconcing the Buddha statue within the domicile or garden, it is judicious to place it atop a pedestal, mat, or carpet. This elevates the statue's symbolic resonance, amplifying its significance within the living space.

Avoidance of Negativity: Respecting Space

Certain spaces within the home are to be eschewed in matters of Buddha statue placement. Bathrooms and closets, enshrined with mundane connotations, stand as areas inimical to the sanctity attributed to these statues. The kitchen, while esteemed for culinary endeavors, proves inauspicious for Buddha's presence—particularly if it coexists with the sacred precincts of the pooja or mandir space.

Diligent Disposition: Steering Clear of Undesirable Sites

Neglecting the placement of the Buddha statue upon the shoe rack or beneath staircases is imperative to preserve the sanctity and significance of the statue. Equally, placing the statue near a sizeable television or computer system is discouraged, as it may dilute its vibrational potency and counteract its beneficial attributes.


Embracing a Buddha statue within the realm of home Vastu is a profound tribute to the artistry of design and the spiritual potency of these iconic forms. Aligned with the tenets of Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra, Buddha statues encompass an array of Mudras, each bearing its unique significance. While some augur harmony and peace, others are vanguards of good fortune, catalyzing healing or academic excellence. A conscious and strategic deployment of these statues within the home augments the vibrational resonance of the living space, ushering in an aura of tranquility and prosperity.

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